Gabriola Agricultural Co-op Saturday Farmers Market
Gabriola Island / Tle:ltx’w
Tle:ltx’w - The name for the original largest settlement of the Snuneymuxw People on the Island in the Hul'q'umi'num language.
A celebration of Gulf Island diversity.
Supporting the farmers on Gabriola and Mudge Islands since the late 1970s, the team behind the Gabriola Farmers’ Market actively fosters the local, safe, and nutritious food systems found all throughout these unique Gulf Islands.
Every Saturday morning from January through December, in and around the Gabriola Agricultural Association Co-Op’s Agi Hall, this diverse market connects local food producers and artisans with their island community. Farm fresh produce fills large vendor tables as market visitors taste hot vegan dishes and enjoy the sweet sounds of local musicians.
We respectfully acknowledge that our market operates on the Unceded and Traditional land of the Snuneymuxw people. The stewards and caretakers of this beautiful place.
This market participates in the BC Farmers' Market Nutrition Coupon Program.